Directed by Dick Garand
Produced by Tom Dimitrew and Pat Higgins

Show Dates

October 19-20 & 25-27, 1990


Fassett Auditorium, 3025 Starr Avenue, Oregon, OH 43616

On alternate Friday evenings, eight sisters meet to play bridge and gossip. The first act takes place in 1934; the second ten years later during a Halloween bridge party where each acts out her costume’s persona. The emotionally distraught youngest, who does a hilarious Salome belly dance, has just gotten out of a sanitarium and knows that she must cut the bonds to her smothering family and strike out on her own.

A Play by P.J. Barry

Cast List

Martha (Mrs. Michael McDermitt) – Darlene Garand
Mary (Margaret Donavan) – Donna Wollenslegel
Connie (Mrs. David Emerson) – Miriam Patznick
Nora (Mrs. Lawrence Hiller) – Patti Kasper
Alice (Mrs. Walter Monahan) – Becky Buehrer
Ann (Mrs. John Conroy) – Cheryl Tanner
Lil (Mrs. Peter Carmody) – Ruth Siberson
Betsy (Mrs. Daniel Bailey) – Susan Mulligan
Robert Frost, the Photographer – Richard Gee

Production Team

Stage Manager – Heather Cammarn
Prompter – Richard Gee
Lighting. – Marty Limmer
Sound – Tim Yard
Set Design – Paul Deal
Set Construction – Paul Deal, Tom Dimitrew
Costumes – Julie Dombkowski
Makeup – Joann Mickelson
Stage Crew – Danielle Mulligan, Tom Dimitrew, Helena Higgins
Props – Diane Hess
Decorations – Pat Higgins, Helena Higgins
House Manager – Pat Higgins
Tickets – Vern Overholt
Publicity – Jane Schnell, Pat Higgins
Program – John Garand, Mike Hollanshed, Kathy Richards
Caterer – Jim Brower

Produced by special arrangement with
Samuel French, Inc.
45 West 25th Street
New York, NY 10010