Produced by Tim Yard
Directed by Jeff Smith
Assistant Directed by Maria Porter
Music Directed by Kim Fletcher
Show Dates
April 26-27 & May 3-4, 2019 at 7:30 PM
April 28, 2019 at 3:00 PM
Fassett Auditorium, 3025 Starr Avenue, Oregon, OH 43616
The Brady and Partridge families are an assemblage of tragic figures. Two lovely ladies and one man, each widowed at an uncommonly early age. Their 11 children were each stripped of a parent, most before reaching teenaged years. Though smiling on the outside, all 14 individuals are haunted by loss.
But for a brief period in the early ’70s, there was a joyous respite — sunshine days when all of life’s woes were resolved within 30 minutes (with occasional 90-minute solutions during picturesque family vacations).
This is not our story.
We join the families just after the ABC Network ceased airing the chronicles of the Bradys and the Partridges. It was a summer when America found itself mired in the scandal of an unlovable president and the aftereffects of an unwinnable war. And it was a summer when these beloved TV families, no longer under America’s watchful eye, met on a collision course in a blood-soaked, vengeance-fueled, lust-filled crossover episode of Shakespearean proportions.
Featuring the iconic hit songs from both TV shows, including, “I Think I Love You”, “It’s A Sunshine Day”, “I Woke Up In Love This Morning”, “Time To Change”, and more!
Written by Stephen Garvey
Cast List
Cindy Brady – Sofia Ackerman
Sam the Butcher – Don Dauer
Greg Brady – Dominic Esposito
Reuben Kincaid – Tony Esposito
Alice – Joanie Esposito
Shirley Partridge – Tammy Halay
Carol Brady – Nancy Ice
Keith Partridge – Josh Kramer
Chris Partridge II – Dominic Kyer
Marcia Brady – Catherine Lowe
Bobby Brady – Reed Mittendorf
Chris Partridge I – Crate H. Newton
Laurie Partridge – Lilly Porter
Mr. Phillips – Reed A. Reamsnyder
Cousin Oliver – Sutton Row
Jan Brady – Chloe Strong
Danny Partridge – Brendan Strong
Tracy Partridge – Natalie Strong
Mike Brady – Brian Strong
Peter Brady – Brock Stuller
Production Team
Stage Manager – Alice Dargartz
Set Construction/Painting – Carolyn Ackerman, Elisia Ackerman, Ethan Ackerman, Gary Ackerman, Sofia Ackerman, Lori Bee, Amy Carpenter, Steve Carpenter, Alice Dargartz, Don Dauer, Tony Esposito, Donna Hall, Mike Hall, Dennis Holdren, Catherine Lowe, Reed Steele, Branden Strong, Brian Strong, Natalie Strong, Todd Stuller, Vivian Stuller, Dawn Yard, Tim Yard
Stage Crew – Lori Bee, Alice Dargartz, Dennis Holdren
Set Decorator – Dawn Yard
Costumes – Diane Hess
Props – Dawn Yard
Lighting Design – Kevin Harrington
Lighting – Steve Carpenter
Kevin Harrington
Sound Design – Tim Yard
Sound – Tim Yard
Make-Up – Marlene Guy, Cast
Tickets – Brenda Holdren
Will Call – Dennins Holdren
Concessions – Marcia Hayes
Program Editor – Tim Yard
Publicity – Nancy Ice
First Nighter Appreciation – Dawn Yard
Photographer – Tonia Tuttle
Produced through special arrangement with
Broadway Licensing
7 Penn Plaza, Suite 904
New York, NY 10001
(866) 639-752