Produced by Tim Yard
Director by Kevin Harrington
Show Dates
February 16-17 & 23-24, 2018 at 7:30 PM
February 18, 2018 at 3:00 PM
Fassett Auditorium, 3025 Starr Avenue, Oregon, OH 43616
The place is the Deep South, the time 1948, just prior to the civil rights movement. Having recently demolished another car, Daisy Wertham, a rich, sharp-tongued Jewish widow of seventy-two, is informed by her son, Boolie, that henceforth she must rely on the services of a chauffeur. The person he hires for the job is a thoughtful, unemployed black man, Hoke, whom Miss Daisy immediately regards with disdain and who, in turn, is not impressed with his employer’s patronizing tone and, he believes, her latent prejudice. But, in a series of absorbing scenes spanning twenty-five years, the two, despite their mutual differences, grow ever closer to, and more dependent on, each other, until, eventually, they become almost a couple. Slowly and steadily the dignified, good-natured Hoke breaks down the stern defenses of the ornery old lady, as she teaches him to read and write and, in a gesture of good will and shared concern, invites him to join her at a banquet in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
by Alfred Uhry
Cast List
Boolie Werthan – David LaGrange
Daisy Werthan – Judi Pollock
Hoke Coleburn – Michael Rywalski
Production Team
Stage Manager – Jeff Smith
Set Design – Kevin Harrington
Set Construction/Painting – Lori Bee, Amy Carpenter, Steve Carpenter, Don Dauer, Jillian Harrington, Kevin Harrington, Bobby Holdren, Dennis Holdren, Reed K Steele, Dawn Yard, Tim Yard
Costumes – Diane Hess
Stage Crew – Lori Bee, Amy Carpenter, Steve Carpenter, Reed K Steele
Lighting Design – Kevin Harrington
Lighting – Marty Limmer
Sound Design – Keith Klewer
Sound – Keith Klewer
Make-Up – Renee Harrington
Props – Dawn Yard
Tickets – Brenda Holdren
House Manager – Cheryl Goff
Concessions – Marlene Guy
Program Editor – Tim Yard
Publicity – Nancy Ice
First Nighter Appreciation – Cheryl Tanner, Ronnie Tanner
Photographer – Tonia Halay
Produced by special arrangement with
Dramatists Play Service
440 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016