Directed by Paul J. Slovak
Associate Director Karol Sheehan
Choreographer Cathy Fifer
Orchestra and Vocal Direction by Tony Zsigray

Show Dates

October 21-22 & 28 9, 1988 at 8:00 PM


Fassett Auditorium, 3025 Starr Avenue, Oregon, OH 43616

Oliver Twist is a young boy who lives in a workhouse with other orphaned boys. When Oliver disrupts a meal by asking for more, he is sold to a local undertaker and his family. They treat Oliver horribly. Oliver escapes and runs off where he quickly befriends another young boy, the Artful Dodger. Who takes him to his home, an academy for orphans who learn how to be pick-pockets run by a kind, yet slightly sinister, old gentleman named Fagin. When Oliver goes on his first pick-pocketing job, he is caught by the police. The man that Oliver thieved, Mr. Brownlow, learns of Oliver’s sad past and brings him into his own home.

Book, Music and Lyrics by Lionel Bart

Cast List

Oliver Twist – Matthew Bowland
Fagin – John Garand
The Artful Dodger – Jack Buehrer
Bill Sikes – Gary Collins
Nancy – Wendy Deal
Bet – Tegan Smith
Mr. Bumble – The Beadle – Jim Brower
Mr. Brownlow – Carl Bruno
Mr. Sowerberry – Rick Fouty
Mrs. Sowerberry – Darlene Garand
Charlotte – Sandra Overholt
Noah Claypole – Josh Sommers
Dr. Grimwig – George Hazel
Mrs. Bedwin – Kay Garbers
Old Sally – Patti Kasper
Old Lady – Becky Buehrer
Townspeople – Carl Bruno, Diana Cammarn, Randy Cammarn, Rick Fouty, Harley Gaddis, George Hazel, Diane Hess, Patti Kasper, Dan Kellar, Josh Sommers, Carol Deal, Renae Deal, Darlene Garand, Kay Garbers, Janie Kollarik, Sandra Overholt, Toni LaPlante, Samantha Seaman
Workhouse and Fagin’s Boys – Michael Deal, Jeff Deal, Dean Davis, Jay LaPlante, Paul LaPlante, Gregory Maynard, Sean Nikoncyk, Tony Pompos, Jeff Hamilton, Chris Kovacs, Jason Mesteller, Andy Monaghan, Quinn Smith, Jason Sommers

Production Team

Production Coordinator – Jim Hartman
Production Coordinator Assistant – Marcia Milne
Set Design – Paul Slovak
Set Construction – Paul Slovak, Bob Stucker
Set Crew – Jim Brower, Frank Higgins, Pat Higgins, Jeff Hagedorn, Richard Patznick, Skip Perman, Bud Lagger, Susan Slovak, Casey Slovak, Dave Kaemming, Randy Taylor, Kerry Bellman, Amy Kaiser, Thomas Peters
Stage Manager – Jeff Hagedorn
Stage Crew – Kevin Schnell, Frank Higgins, Debbie Lagger
Technical Manager – Jim Brower
Lighting – Marty Limmer, Tamara Limmer
Sound – Kevin Fifer
Wardrobe Manager – Julie Dombrowski
Wardrobe Crew – Theresa Berry, Marilyn Overholt, Sandra Overholt, Mona Milne, Marcia Milne, Mary Sue Milne, Diane Hess, Tamara Limmer, Pat Higgins, Becky Buehrer, Terri Hamilton
Make Up Manager – Kathy Caudill
Make Up Crew – Joan Eckermann, Sue Mills, Kim Yost, Gus Urdaneta, Pam Smith, Pauline Mesteller
Properties Manager – Mary Sue Milne
Properties Crew – Marcia Milne, Susan Slovak
Special Promotions Committee – Richard Garand, Debbie Obert, John Garand
Publicity – Diane Hess
Rehearsal Pianist – Ruth Siberson
Theatre Program – Theresa Berry, Jane Schell, Julie Dombrowski, Susan Slovak
Tickets – Theresa Berry
Program Cover Design – Paul Slovak
Program Photographers – Jim Ulrich, Terri Foster, Julie Dombrowkski

Produced through special arrangement with
Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc.
560 Lexington Ave
New York, NY 10022