Produced by Richard Gee
Directed by Richard Garand
Assistant Producer Becky Buehrer
Show Dates
February 28-29 & March 5-7, 1992
Eisenhower Auditorium, 331 N Curtice Rd, Oregon, OH 43616
At first the Sycamores seem mad, but it is not long before you realize that if they are mad, then the rest of the world is madder. In contrast to these delightful people are the unhappy Kirbys. Tony, the attractive young son of the Kirbys, falls in love with Alice Sycamore and brings his parents to dine at the Sycamore house on the wrong evening. The shock sustained by Mr. and Mrs. Kirby, who are invited to eat cheap food, shows Alice that marriage with Tony is out of the question. The Sycamores find it hard to realize Alice’s view. Tony knows the Sycamores live the right way with love and care for each other, while his own family is the one that’s crazy. In the end, Mr. Kirby is converted to the happy madness of the Sycamores (particularly because he happens in during a visit by the ex-Grand Duchess of Russia Olga Katrina, who is currently earning her living as a waitress).
By Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman
Cast List
Penelope Sycamore – Miriam Patznick
Essie – Amy Czernick
Rheba – Sandra Overholt
Paul Sycamore – David Meyer
Mr. De Pinna – Richard Gray
Ed – John Garand
Donald – Irv Sanks
Martin Vanderhof – Richard Gee
Alice – Kim Kerekes
Henderson – Richard Garand
Toby Kirby – Eric R. Collier
Boris Kolenkhov – Fred Vollongo
Gay Wellington – Charlotte Marisay
Mr. Kirby – Glen Hamilton
Mrs. Kirby – Joan Breier
Olga – Marge Perry
Three Men
Chief – David Lanz
Jim – Jim Brower
Mac – James Seaman
Production Team
Stage Manager – Patty Fruchtman
Assistant Stage Manager – Beck Buehrer
Set Design – Chris Kasner
Set Construction – Chris Kasner
Lighting. – Marty Limmer, Tammy Limmer
Sound – Tim Yard, Dawn Yard
Make Up – Grazie Dimitrew, Joanne Mickleson, Eleonore Habbouche
Hair Stylist – Kevin Haddad
Props – Dave Kaminski, Darlene Garand, Liz Rowland, Sharon Lanz
Costumes – Julie Dombkowski, Bonnie Koester, Marilyn Overholt
House Manager – Diane Hess
Tickets – Vern Overholt
Concessions – Cheri Deal
Publicity – Richard Gee
Program – John Garand, Tom Dimitrew
Portrait Artist – Melanie Berning
Produced by special arrangement with
Dramatists Play Service
440 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016