Directed by Patti Kasper

Show Dates

March 6-8, 1997


Fassett Auditorium, 3025 Starr Avenue, Oregon, OH 43616

Three Jewish widows meet once a month for tea before going to visit their husband’s graves. Ida is sweet tempered and ready to begin a new life, Lucille is a feisty embodiment of the girl who just wants to have fun, and Doris is priggish and judgmental, particularly when Sam the butcher enters the scene. He meets the widows while visiting his wife’s grave. Doris and Lucille squash the budding romance between Sam and Ida. They are guilt stricken when this nearly breaks Ida’s heart.

by Ivan Menchell

Cast List

Ida – Cheryl Tanner
Lucille – Miriam Patznick
Doris – Dinah Henderson
Sam – Tom Dimitrew

Produced by special arrangement with
Samuel French, Inc.
45 West 25th Street
New York, NY 10010