Directed by Jim Hartman
Music Director Ruth Sibberson
Choreographer Diane Cammarn
Show Dates
July 20-23, 1989
Hungarian Club of Toledo, 224 Paine Ave, Toledo, OH 43605
Columbus’ discovery of the Americas was not an accident as we would be led to believe. Rather it was a well thought out voyage by one individual who, at a time in history when the mere idea of independent thinking without the church’s permission was heresy, planned it meticulously and carried it out with verve and daring. How he obtained the monies, crewed his ships, made the voyage, and returned to Spain has been a lot of historical speculation up till now. This is the true story of the trials and tribulations of Christopher Columbus, Queen Isabella, and the crews of the Pinta, Nina, and Santa Maria.
Book by Jim Hartman
Music and Lyrics by Jim Hartman
Cast List
Chris Columbus – John Garand
Alfredo – Michael A. Hollanshed
Maria – Sandra Overholt
Queen Isabella – Darlene Garand
King Ferdinand – Dick Garand
Nina – Anite Boyer
Ensemble – George Hazel, Rob Kasper, Bing Meinen, Diane Cammarn, Cheri Deal, Dawn R Yard
Production Team
Production Assistant – Paulene Kasper
Stage Manager – Patti Kasper
Technical Director – David Grace
Asst. Technical Director – Ken Clark
Lighting Design – Marty Limmer
Costume Design – Julie Dombrowski
Costume Assistants – Marilyn Overholt, Anita Boyer
Properties – Cheri Deal
Make Up – Diane Hess
House Manager – Becky Buehrer
Reservationist – Vern Overholt
Publicity – Jane Schnell
Program – Kimberly Yost
Produced by special arrangement with
The Author
Jim Hartman